Severe Weather
3 Phases to Help You Weather the Storm
Knowing how to plan for and respond to catastrophes such as tornadoes, floods or severe weather is an important part of safeguarding your life and preparing for a strong recovery.
1. Prepare before the storm
There are important actions consumers can take to prepare for an uncertain future. Here are some tools and considerations to review, update, or implement today to properly prepare your household for potential severe weather.
Home inventory checklist
Supplies for emergency
Are you covered by insurance?
Homeowners insurance
Flood insurance
Renters insurance
Auto insurance
Winter storm preparedness
Ready in 3 considerations
2. Weather the storm
Missourians know that severe weather can happen at any time. There are some actions consumers can take during the storm to protect their property based on the situation.
What to do if your property is damaged
Insurance Company Claim Contact Information
Resources for flood victims
Crop insurance information
How to file a small business claim
3. Recover after the storm
After the storm, consumers may have many questions related to the actions they should take first to help them recover. Here are some useful tools that consumers can use to bring their lives back to normal.
Post-Disaster Claims Guide
Assistance with health insurance
How to file a claim
Guide on roof insurance and repair considerations
Resources for victims of severe weather, including contact information for major insurance carriers
Can DCI help you?
DCI’s Consumer Affairs staff can answer questions or assist consumers with insurance claims related to severe weather. Because DCI licenses agents and insurers, our staff we can help resolve many disputes consumers may experience with their claims.
How we can help with your claim
Frequently asked questions
Email us
File a complaint online
Call the Insurance Consumer Hotline: 800-726-7390