This topic provides tips, information and resources related to automobile insurance.
This brochure helps you understand the purpose of auto insurance, what is required by state law, optional coverage, what to do when you have an accident and how to file a claim.
Shopping tips for consumers.
Check here before you write or call.
Frequently used terms about auto, homeowners, workers' compensation and other insurance.
Complaint index of all auto insurers in Missouri.
If you own or operate a motor vehicle in Missouri, you are required by law to insure that automobile with coverage for injuries you cause to another, for at least $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident, and $25,000 for property damage. The Department of Revenue is now tracking drivers to make sure they keep their liability insurance policies in force. If you let your coverage lapse you will be subject to suspension of the vehicle's registration and possibly your driver's license.