Most Missourians rely on automobile liability insurance to prove they are financial responsible. Automobile liability insurance protects you from paying a large amount of money at the time of an accident if the accident is your fault - and protects the victims against their losses.
A licensed agent or broker can help you purchase insurance coverage. They can inform you about the types of policies available and how you can best protect yourself. They should assist you in filing claims and making sure your claims are settled promptly and fairly.
Most automobile policies follow a standard form with each part containing specific information. Failure to meet your responsibilities listed in the conditions may jeopardize any claim you may file. Become familiar with conditions of your policy, and consult it immediately upon incurring any loss.
Insurance companies sell several types of basic automobile insurance coverage. Liability insurance is the most basic type of automobile insurance available.
Many drivers feel they need insurance protection besides the basic liability insurance coverage.
Missouri requires all private passenger automobile insurance policies to cover a specific car and these drivers...
The Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance does not set insurance rates. An insurance company's rates are based upon the claims they pay, operating expenses and profit.
Missouri law provides that any private passenger automobile policy that has been in effect for 60 days must be continued for the duration of the policy, without being canceled, except for the following reasons...
Drivers who have difficulty obtaining coverage from any company selling auto insurance in Missouri may obtain coverage from the Missouri Automobile Insurance Plan.
Follow the company's instructions when making your claim. Insurance companies are required to handle claims promptly and fairly.
If you believe your insurance company has not treated you fairly, or your claim has not been handled properly, you may file a complaint with the Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance.
If you file a complaint against an insurance company, DCI will contact the company to determine whether it is acting in good faith.