The State of Missouri is part of the U.S. insurance regulatory framework which is a highly coordinated state-based national system designed to protect policyholders and to serve the greater public interest through the effective regulation of the U.S. insurance marketplace. Through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), U.S. insurance regulators, establish national standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews and coordinate their regulatory oversight to better protect the interests of consumers while ensuring a strong, viable insurance marketplace.

U.S. insurance regulators also participate in the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) along with the NAIC by participating in all its major standard setting initiatives, including working with fellow regulators from around the world to better supervise cross-border insurers, identifying systemic risk in the insurance sector, and creating international best practices.

Angela L. Nelson 2025 Headshot

Office of the Director

Angela L. Nelson, Director

James Gallaher, Acting Deputy Director and General Counsel

The director’s office includes the department director, deputy director and general counsel, enforcement counsel, public information staff, legislative coordinator and support staff. The director’s office is responsible for policy decisions, regulation, legislation and communications.

The director’s office also includes the Receivership and Legal sections. When a judge orders an insurance company into receivership, the director is responsible for either rehabilitating the company or liquidating it. The Legal Section represents the department director in circuit court and administrative proceedings.

Past Directors

Insurance Consumer Affairs Division

Jeana Thomas, Acting Director

  • Helps consumers resolve complaints and inquiries
  • Provides information on insurance policy questions
  • Investigates insurance agents, public adjusters and bail bond agents suspected of violations
  • Provides insurance education and outreach activities to Missouri consumers

Insurance Company Regulation Division

John Rehagen, Director

  • Monitors and analyzes the financial condition of insurance companies licensed in Missouri to ensure they can pay claims
  • Certifies and collects premium taxes due the state

Insurance Market Regulation Division

Jo LeDuc, Director

  • Reviews insurance policies, rates, products and marketing strategies for compliance with Missouri law
    Performs market conduct examinations to ensure fair treatment of policyholders and compliance with Missouri law, and monitors the marketplace.

Administration Division

Brenda Horstman, Acting Director

  • Protects consumers by licensing insurance agents, bail bond agents and public adjusters
  • Provides administrative support to all divisions of DCI, including accounting, human resources, budget and information technology