Types of Long-Term Care Services
Many different services fall under the definition of long-term care. These services include institutional care such as nursing facilities, or non-institutional care such as home health care, personal care, adult day care, long-term home health care, respite care and hospice care.
Nursing homes
Nursing homes in Missouri are licensed, inspected and certified by the Department of Health & Senior Services. You can compare nursing facilities near you by clicking here.
Home health care
Home health care consists of services received in your home. It can include skilled nursing care, speech, physical or occupational therapy or home health aide services.
Home care or personal care
This type of service consists of assistance with personal hygiene, dressing or feeding, nutritional or support functions and health-related tasks.
Adult day care
This service is for persons living at home, which provides supervision for elderly persons during the day when family members are not at home. It’s a method that delivers a variety and range of services, including social and recreational, and in some cases, health services in a group setting.
Assisted living facilities
These facilities provide ongoing care and related services to support those needs resulting from a person’s inability to perform activities of daily living.
Respite care
This is a service that provides family members a rest or vacation from their care-giving responsibilities. It can be provided in a variety of settings, including an individual’s home or a nursing home.
Hospice care
This is a program of care and treatment, either in a hospice care facility or in the home, for persons who are terminally ill and have a life expectancy of six months or less.
Hospital care
This is an alternate level of care, in which care is received as a hospital inpatient when there is no medical necessity for being in the hospital and is for those persons waiting to be placed in a nursing home or while arrangements are being made for home care.