* This bulletin was repealed by 08-05


From:      Jay Angoff, Director

Re:          Implementation of SB 664 Provisions Relating to Continuing Education Credit

Date:       September 18, 1996


SB 664, which became effective on August 28, 1996, contains the following provision related to Continuing Education Credit (CEC) for certain Missouri agents and brokers:

"Any course or program of instruction approved for use to meet professional continuing education in another Missouri profession, as required by law, that relates to the topic of insurance shall meet the continuing education requirements pursuant to section 375.020, RSMo." (SB 664, Section 17).

The statutory provisions of section 375.020, RSMo, have been implemented by Regulation 20 CSR 700-3.200, which was adopted in 1989. This regulation will be amended to reflect the provisions of SB 664, as well as other legislation affecting licensing procedures. Pending promulgation of the amended regulation, the purpose of this bulletin is to set forth the criteria and procedures that will be employed by the Department of Insurance in reviewing and processing CEC documentation submitted in conjunction with license renewal applications for those individuals claiming credit for courses or programs of instruction pursuant to section 17 of SB 664.

Those licensees who do not claim Continuing Education Credit for courses pursuant to section 17 of SB 664 need not concern themselves with the provisions of this bulletin, but must still comply with the applicable provisions of section 375.020, RSMo.

Criteria For Receiving Continuing Education Credit Pursuant To Section 17 Of Sb 664

In order to receive Continuing Education Credit for courses submitted pursuant to the provisions of section 17 of SB 664, the licensee will be required to submit to the Department of Insurance, with his/her renewal application, the following information with respect to each course for which credit is claimed:

  • Title of the course/program of instruction.
  • Name of the sponsor or provider of the course.
  • Date, time, and location where licensee attended the course.
  • Name of the professional organization that has certified the course for Continuing Education Credit.
  • Number of hours of CE Credit for which the course has been certified by the Professional organization.
  • Outline of the course, or other information regarding course content to prove that the course/program is "insurance-related."
  • Proof that the course satisfies a Continuing Education requirement for the licensee's current reporting period in his/her other profession.
  • If partial credit is claimed (e.g. one hour of insurance-related material in a four hour program on estate planning), please indicate the amount of credit claimed.
  • For courses/programs in other jurisdictions that have been taken for Continuing Education Credit in Missouri, licensees must submit proof of reciprocity between Missouri and the other jurisdiction, or equivalent proof of the acceptability of the course/program for CE Credit in the state of Missouri.
  • Any and all courses/programs of instruction for which credit is claimed pursuant to section 17 of SB 664 must comply with the provisions of section 375.020, RSMo and 20 CSR 700-3.200, except to the extent that the statutory and regulatory provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this bulletin.

At all times, the burden of proving compliance with the requirements set forth herein shall rest with the licensee, who may be required to provide additional information regarding the course or program of instruction for which credit is claimed. For further information, call (573) 751-3518.


If a licensee is claiming Continuing Education Credit for a self-study program, the program is subject to the requirements of 20 CSR 700-3.200, subsection (2)(D). In addition, the licensee must submit a copy of the material studied, or other proof that the material is insurance-related.


The provisions of section 17, SB 664, as implemented by this bulletin and subsequent regulations promulgated by the Department, apply to any licensees whose licenses expired on or after August 28, 1996, regardless of the date of renewal of the license. The statutory provisions also apply to all licensees who obtain a new license on or after August 28, 1996.