93-08: Missouri Small Employer Health Insurance Availability Act
* This bulletin was repealed by 08-05
From: Jay Angoff, Director
Re: 93-08: Missouri Small Employer Health Insurance Availability Act
Date: July 9, 1993
Effective July 1, 1993 all small employer carriers are required to utilize rating and renewal mechanisms which comply with section 379.936, RSMo. Please also be aware that, pursuant to section 379.942.3, RSMo, each small employer carrier must make a filing containing the carrier's net health insurance premium derived from health benefit plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this state in the previous calendar year.
In order to monitor compliance with these laws, the Department of Insurance requires the following information be filed with the Department by August 30, 1993:
- a complete and detailed description of its rating practices and renewal underwriting practices, including information and documentation that demonstrate that its rating methods and practices are based upon commonly accepted actuarial assumptions and are in accordance with sound actuarial principle.
- a statement of the insurer's net health insurance premium derived from health benefit plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this state during calendar year 1992. Provide this information by disclosing the following: Premium collected plus reinsurance assumed minus reinsurance ceded minus experience refunds and dividends.
If you have any questions regarding this Bulletin, please contact James Casey, Supervisor of Life and Health, telephone number (314) 751-3365.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.