08-05: Withdrawal of Certain Obsolete or Inoperative Bulletins
To: All Persons and Entities Licensed to Transact the Business of Insurance in the State of Missouri
From: Doug Ommen, Director
Re: Withdrawal of Certain Obsolete or Inoperative Bulletins
Date: March 11, 2008
The Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration (the "Department") issues this bulletin to withdraw and remove various bulletins previously issued by this Department. After careful review, the Director has concluded that a number of bulletins exist which are either no longer applicable or which have become obsolete either due to the passage of subsequent legislation or as a result of fundamental changes within the marketplace.
After careful review, the Director has concluded that the bulletins identified below are to be withdrawn and will no longer be in effect upon the issuance of this Bulletin 08-05.
The following bulletins are hereby withdrawn and no longer in effect:
84-02 Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Report
84-03 Filing of All Policy Forms and Rates
84-04 Licensing Forms and Procedures
84-05 Estate Conservation Plans
85-01 Required Reporting of Statistical Data
85-02 Required Reporting of Statistical Data By Zip Code
85-03 Pre-licensing Educational Requirements in Missouri
85-04 Filing Requirements
85-05 Defense of Suicide
85-06 1985 Missouri Legislation
85-08 Missouri Division of Insurance
85-09 Market Availability Survey
86-01 Missouri Market Assistance Plan
86-02 Revised Reporting for 1985 Homeowners and Automobile Data
86-03 Market Availability Survey
86-04 Automobile and Homeowners Reporting
86-05 Second Injury Assessment Rate
86-06 Rescission of Missouri Division of Insurance Regulation 4 CSR 190-18.050; Workers’ Compensation Scheduled Rating
87-02 Automobile and Homeowners Reporting
87-11 Senate Bill 251, Missouri Title Insurance Law
87-12 Attached Survey
87-13 Attached Survey
87-15 Use of Lead Cards in Sale of Insurance
87-16 Reporting Requirements of House Bill 700
87-17 Application for Certificate of Authority
>88-02 House Bill 1244
88-03 Commissioners 1980 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table
88-04 Missouri Crime Insurance Program (MCIP)
89-04 Title Insurance Regulation
89-06 Title Insurance rates for Commercial Property Policies
89-07 Title Insurance Regulation
89-08 Prejudgment Interest
89-09 Second Injury Fund Surcharge
89-10 Statistical Reporting Requirements of Senate Bill 333
89-11 Survey
89-12 Second Injury Fund
89-13 Title Insurance Regulation
89-14 House Bill 1581
89-15 Continuing Education and Certification Letters
89-16 The Offering of Deposit Guarantees and the December 8, 1989 Public hearing on Use of Title Closing Protection Letters
90-01 Reporting of Checks, Drafts and other Items Subject to the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
90-02 Section 376.805, RSMo 1986
90-03 Continuing Education Filing Fee
90-05 Medicare Supplement Rate Filings
90-06 NAIC policy Statement on Self-Evaluation of Financial Regulation Standards
90-09 Statistical Reporting Requirement – Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience Report – Revised Regulation 4 CSR 190-14.117
90-10 Medical Claims Consultants/Billing Audit Services
90-11 Renewal Date and renewal Fee Changes
90-12 Managing General Agents Act
90-13 Preliminary Meeting – Health High Risk Pool
90-14 Changes in Licensing Laws in Missouri
90-15 Calculation of Single Premium Credit Insurance Rates
90-16 The Missouri Health Insurance Pool
91-01 Agent Compensation Standards
91-03 Disclosure of Guarantee Fund Limitations – House Bill 385
91-04 Workers Compensation Policies
91-06 Physician’s Limiting Charge – Medicare Beneficiaries
92-01 Apparent Practices that Violate the Open Enrollment Law
92-02 Standardized Medicare Supplement Policies
92-03 Workers Compensation Policies
92-10 International Association of Entrepreneurs of America, Inc (IAEA)
92-11 Deductible Plans for Workers’ Compensation Policies
92-12 Abatement of Workers’ Compensation Tax for Calendar Year 1993
93-01 Premium credits for employers using certified managed care programs
93-02 Small employer health insurance availability act
93-03 Deductible plans for workers' compensation policies -"large" deductibles
93-04 Court decisions affecting auto insurers
93-05 379.201 revised statutes of Missouri
93-06 Title plant registration
93-08 Missouri Small Employer Health Insurance Availability Act
93-11 All Insurers Writing Workers Compensation in Missouri
93-12 Safety Credits and MCO Credits
93-14 Workers' Compensation Rate Filings-- Electronic Readable Format
94-03 The use of A.M.Best and Company's ratings by lenders
94-06 Company appointments/cancellations
94-07 Fines on delinquent filings
95-01 New mandated benefit and required offer of coverage
95-03 Assignment to the State of Missouri
96-01 Title Insurance Changes
96-04 Actuarial certification
96-05 Modifications to service area and/or provider network
96-07 Implementation of SB 664 provisions relating to continuing education credit
96-08 Association groups
97-02 Electronic Filing of Company Appointments/Terminations
97-05 Implementation Dates for HB 335
97-07 Association Groups
97-08 Licensing of Health Maintenance Organization Enrollment Representatives
97-09 Automobile Insurance Identification Cards
98-05 Named Driver Exclusions
98-06 Standardized Credentialing Form Supplement
98-07 Association Groups
99-01 Year 2000 (Y2K) Coverage and Endorsements
99-03 Compliance With Changes To Medicare Supplement Rules
99-04 Summary Of 1999 Missouri Legislation Impacting Health Plan Benefits
99-05 Summary Of 1999 Missouri Legislation Impacting Health Plan Benefits – Corrected
99-06 Y2K Compliance
00-02 Recent Legislation Regarding Missouri Title Insurance Laws
01-02 Hail Damage Claims
02-03 Terrorism Exclusions in Commercial Lines and Personal Lines
02-05 AGENTS BEWARE – Illegal "ERISA" And "Union Plan" Scams
03-02 The Federal Trade Act Of 2002 Health Coverage Tax Credit
04-03 Legislation Enacted in the 2004 Legislative Session