Filing a claim
Immediately report your accident or the circumstances that will cause you to file a claim to your insurance company or agent. If you were not at fault, report the accident to the other driver's insurance company. Immediately notify the police if you were responsible for an accident that damaged others' property or if you were the victim of a hit-and-run driver, uninsured motorist, vandalism or theft.
Follow the company's instructions when making your claim. Insurance companies are required to handle claims promptly and fairly.
If you are involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, a report should be made to the Missouri Department of Revenue if:
- If you believe that one of the parties may be uninsured;
- The accident occurred in Missouri; and,
- The damage to property of any person exceeds $500; or,
- The accident results in bodily injury or death.
You may obtain a state accident report form from most insurance agents or any branch of the Missouri Department of Revenue or Missouri State Highway Patrol.