Autism Treatment & Applied Behavior Analysis
Missouri law required the department to annually issue a report to the legislature assessing the impact of the autism mandate on the insurance marketplace. The portion of the statute requiring the report was subsequently repealed. The last report was released in 2019.
Complaint Index Report
Complaints filed against Missouri insurers during the past three years. Companies are categorized by line of business and type of complaint. Company performance is compared to the Missouri industry average.
First Steps Report
Senate Bill 500, passed in 2005, requires licensed health insurers and HMOs to include coverage in their benefit packages for services provided under the First Steps Program. This report details the number of children receiving private insurance coverage for the program and the total amount paid for children with private insurance coverage.
Health Insurance Market Report
A ten-year overview of Missouri’s health insurance market. This report was first issued in 2018, and replaces the HMO report.
Health Maintenance Organization Report (Discontinued after 2016)
Health Maintenance Organization Report (HMO) data from the annual financial statements, such as premiums earned and costs incurred for health-related services. It also includes enrollment data, including enrollment for specified regions of the state.
Homeowners Insurance Report
A 10-year summary by county of premium and claims data for homeowners and dwelling fire insurance.
Legal Malpractice Report
A 10-year summary by area of law for filed claims, major activity responsible for alleged errors or omissions, most significant reasons for claims, years admitted to practice and relationship of the insured to the claimant.
Medical Professional Liability Insurance Report
Aggregate claims for the three years before the report. Includes information on claim frequency, loss ratios by company, by type of insured, average dollar settlements, litigated claims, average time to close claims and other trends in medical malpractice.
Mortgage Guaranty Report
Reports data from the most recent year and for more than two decades for both residential and commercial lines of mortgage guaranty insurance. The data includes earned premium by company, losses paid, outstanding claim reserves, IBNR reserves, contingency reserves, loaded loss ratios and true loss ratios.
Private Passenger Automobile Report
A 10-year summary by county of premium and claims data for private passenger automobile liability insurance.
Product Liability Report
Aggregate claims analysis incorporating three years of data. Included are indemnity paid per claim, average loss expense, average initial reserve, average time to close claims, business classification loss experience, product indemnity analysis and resolution and expense of litigated claims.
Residential Earthquake Coverage in Missouri
A 10-year summary by county of premium data for residential earthquake insurance.
Supplement Data Reports for Property & Casualty and Life & Health
Data on written premium, loss ratios, and other data for all property and casualty and life and health insurers licensed in Missouri for all major lines of business.