
During the 1993 legislative session, the Missouri General Assembly passed a workers’ compensation reform package known as Senate Bill 251. Section 14 of that bill (subsequently assigned to Section 287.896 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri) required the Department of Insurance to “approve a plan of operation for a new residual market that will guarantee insurance coverage and quality loss prevention and control services for employers seeking coverage through the plan.”

The department issued requests for proposal for a new residual market structure and effective July 1, 1995, Travelers was selected as the contract carrier in a joint venture with Alexander and Alexander. The most recent RFP July 3rd, 2019.  We have contracted with Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. to provide Risk Control services for the Missouri ARM Plan.


Producers must endeavor to place workers' compensation coverage in the voluntary market. Coverage is available through the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Plan only where the producer certifies on an application approved by the department that the producer has been unable to obtain coverage at a comparable cost through the voluntary market. Note: 2 voluntary market carrier declinations are required to be eligible under the Plan.

Contract Carrier

Travelers Property Casualty Company of America is a subsidiary of The Travelers Companies.

Tools Available for Producers

1. Missouri Quick Quote

The Quick Quote is an easy and convenient online tool to assist you with calculating premiums for Missouri Assigned Risk new business.

Access to the Missouri Quick Quote is provided upon receipt of the Missouri Quick Quote Application, which can be obtained by contacting the Missouri Workers Compensation Plan at 800-842-9346 or by email. Call or email if you have questions about this tool.

Producers may access the Quick Quote system via the Customer Portal and have the option to submit ACORD applications electronically as well as by email (, fax or standard mail.

2. Travelers Residual Market Customer Portal

Travelers’ Online Residual Market Customer Portal is designed specifically for customers in the residual market to link directly to Travelers’ online tools. The Customer Portal streamlines the new business application process and provides easy-to-use functions allowing producers and policyholders to conduct business 24/7. Customers have the ability to request certificates, loss runs, submit policy change requests, and access rules and procedures for the Missouri ARM Plan. Travelers Online Residual Market customer portal located at

3. MyTravelers

RMD Customers have the ability to register and access MyTravelers® for Business. MyTravelers® for Business is a web-based tool which brings together several self-service capabilities for customers to manage many aspects of their Travelers business.  For example, customers can view policies, access ExpressPay, access the Premium Audit portal and take advantage of the Risk Control portal and tools. Customers can register at

Risk Control Services

Risk Control Services are provided automatically for policyholders meeting performance standard eligibility. Any employer may request risk control by contacting the Missouri Workers Compensation Plan at 1-800-842-9346.

At Travelers, we are committed to doing all we can to help protect your business. As our customer, you have access to hundreds of safety materials specific to industry, size and complexity to help control hazards and reduce risks of illness or injury with more than 700 focusing on workers' compensation issues. Take advantage of the Risk Control website at or through MyTravelers ®.

Premium Audit

As the contract carrier in the Missouri ARM, we are required to complete final audits within 75 days of the policy expiration date or cancellation effective date. Please help us, help them, in completing audits timely to avoid estimated audits, having insureds made uncooperative with audit and potentially ineligible for further coverage under the ARM.

Failure to Comply with Final Audit

If your client does not allow us to examine and audit all of his/her records that relate to this policy, we may utilize an Audit Non-compliance charge up to two times the estimated annual premium for purposes of determining the final premium. [Refer to Missouri Amendatory Endorsement, WC 24 06 04 B]

Additional Coverages Available

  1. Coverage under the U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (USL&H). If USL&H coverage is provided, the following coverages are available as an extension of USL&H:
    Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.
    Defense Base Act.
    Non-appropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act.
  2. Coverage for Maritime (Admiralty), Program I or Program II, at the standard limit per accident of $100,000, written as an adjunct to state act coverage.
  3. Coverage for alternate employer if required of the employer by contract and only when the state of operations of the alternate employer is Missouri. The Alternate Employer Endorsement (WC 00 03 01 A) shall be utilized to provide this coverage.
  4. The endorsement Waiver of Our Right to Recover From Others (WC 00 03 13) is available if required of the employer by contract. The endorsement does not apply to policies in Missouri where the employer is in the construction group of code classifications. According to Section 287.150(6) of the Missouri statutes, a contractual provision purporting to waive subrogation rights is against public policy and void where one party to the contract is an employer in the construction group of code classifications.

The additional premium charge for a waiver of subrogation shall be 5 percent of the manual premium developed in conjunction with the work for which that waiver is provided, subject to a $250 minimum charge for the waiver.

Certificates of Insurance

  1. Certificates of insurance shall be issued by the contract carrier within two working days after receipt of request, if consistent with the terms and conditions of the policy.
  2. The plan administrator may allow the employer's agent or broker to issue certificates of insurance, but only under the following condition:
    1. The certificate is issued consistent with the terms and conditions of the policy.
    2. That coverage be certified only on the standard ACORD certificate of insurance form.
    3. That the certificate holder should not be extended any greater rights than the insured.
    4. That copies of all certificates issued by the employer's agent must be forwarded to the plan administrator.
    5. No certificates are to be issued prior to coverage being bound.
  3. Failure to issue certificates in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy or failure to submit copies to the contract carrier may result in revocation of the agent's authority to issue such certificates.
  4. Any certificate not issued in accordance with the above criteria may be rejected.

Note: Certificates are issued by the account manager underwriter assigned to the account. This account manager underwriter is the “single point of contact” for all underwriting, accounting, billing, and customer service issues. A producer or insured may directly contact an account manager underwriter by calling the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Plan at 800-842-9346.

Issuing Certificates of Insurance

We issue Certificates of Insurance within two (2) business days when requested. However, we understand that an employer may need a Certificate of Insurance on an immediate basis. Therefore, there are multiple options for certificate issuance:

  1. Producers are authorized to issue certificates as long as they forward a copy to us;
  2. Email to;
  3. Fax to 1-877-634-3710
  4. Access Travelers Online Residual Market customer portal located at, or by using the link on the MO
    Department of Insurance website.

Limited Other States Benefits

Policies issued through the Missouri Workers' Compensation Plan only provide coverage for business operations within Missouri. Coverage for operations in other states will have to be obtained elsewhere.

While the Missouri plan policy provides limited other states coverage for extra-territorial exposures, this coverage is intended to provide insurance protection for Missouri employees who travel to other states.

Because the plan provides all insured employers with coverage for extra-territorial exposures associated with their Missouri employees, the following guidelines should help you determine when the employee's work situation will require you to obtain additional coverage. (If you need help in obtaining coverage in another state, contact your agent or the plan at 800-842-9346.

Determining Coverage Requirements

The following guidelines have been developed for determining eligibility requirements for extra-territorial coverage. A Missouri employer is covered by the Missouri plan and eligible for extra-territorial coverage if:

  • The work is being performed by Missouri employees;
  • The duration of the work being performed in a state other than Missouri does not exceed 90 days; and
  • The workers' compensation laws of that state do not require the employer to secure separate coverage prior to beginning operations in that state.

This coverage does not apply to permanent operations in any state other than Missouri. 

Producer's Fee

Producer's fee (effective July 1, 2008): Paid on state standard premium
First $1,0008 percent
Next $4,0005 percent
Next $95,0003 percent
Over $100,0002 percent

Request for Loss Runs

Producers or employers may request loss runs by faxing a request to the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Plan at 877-634-3710. Please include the name as it appears on the policy, policy number and policy periods for which loss runs are desired. Loss run requests are generally filled within five business days.

Service Location and Contact Info

Missouri ARM policies will be serviced from the Travelers’ St. Louis service center. All correspondence, underwriting, billing, risk control and other questions related to the servicing of Missouri Alternate Residual Market business should be directed to:

Missouri Workers' Compensation Plan
P.O. Box 5600
Hartford, CT 06102-5600
Phone: 800-842-9346
Fax: (Correspondence): 877-634-3710
Fax: (Applications Only): 844-335-7825

REVISED 11-22-20