About the Determinations Review Board

The Workers' Compensation Determinations Review Board reviews determinations by an insurer or advisory organization regarding:

  • uniform code classifications,
  • basic manual rule interpretations,
  • uniform experience rating plan rule interpretations,
  • calculations of an individual employer's modification factor,
  • Missouri assigned risk plan underwriting rule interpretations, and
  • any other related uniform rule interpretations not addressed by department rule or regulation.

As with any dispute, you should first try to resolve the problem with your insurer. If you find that you are not getting a satisfactory resolution and you still feel that your position is valid, then you should contact the Missouri Department of Insurance Consumer Services Section at 800-726-7390 and file a formal complaint. The department will try to resolve the problem, but if this is not possible and you are still not satisfied, then you can make an appeal to the Missouri Workers' Compensation Determinations Review Board by contacting the Property and Casualty Section at 573-751-3365.

The board reviews the code classification for an employer and may change the classification by:

  • placing the employer under a different code classification already established or
  • by creating a new classification code, if the board determines that there is sufficient experience to merit a new classification code.

The board may order a recalculation in the experience modification factor if calculated erroneously, including an adjustment for any recovery from a third party pursuant to the employer's right of subrogation.

The board reviews code classifications of individual self-insured employers and self-insured employers in a group insurance arrangement. The board recommends changes to the uniform classification system.

Contact Us

Anyone wishing to discuss a potential appeal, ask any question or obtain further information regarding workers' compensation insurance matters may contact the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration at:

Property and Casualty Section
PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690
573-526-4839 (Fax)