Background Information

The federal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act authorized the U.S. Treasury Secretary and the U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate and enter into covered agreements, which are international agreements relating to the recognition of prudential measures with respect to the business of insurance or reinsurance that achieve a level of protection for insurance or reinsurance consumers that is substantially equivalent to the level of protection achieved under state insurance or reinsurance regulation.

To date, the United States has entered into covered agreements with the European Union and United Kingdom. These Covered Agreements mandate credit for reinsurance ceded to certain reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurers and eliminate security requirements on certain assuming insurers domiciled in the E.U. or the U.K. that reinsure business from ceding insurers domiciled in the U.S., provided that certain regulatory criteria are met.

Insurance Regulation 20 CSR 200-2.100(7) implements the Covered Agreements with regard to reinsurance.

Reciprocal Jurisdictions Designated by the Director

Bermuda, Japan, and Switzerland

Note: In addition to the list above, any U.S. jurisdiction that meets the requirements for accreditation under the NAIC financial standards and accreditation program are recognized as reciprocal jurisdictions.

Current Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers

Please scroll to the right to see all of the columns in the table below.

Federal/Alien IDReciprocal Jurisdiction ReinsurerJurisdictionEffective Date of RecognitionRecognized thruLines of Business Reinsured
AA-3191531Arch Group Reinsurance Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3194126Arch Reinsurance Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2212/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, marine, property/casualty
AA-3191352Ascot Bermuda LtdBermuda1/1/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3194168Aspen Bermuda Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191454AXA XL Reinsurance LtdBermuda7/18/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3194139Axis Specialty LimitedBermuda7/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty, accident/health
AA-3190913Canopius Reinsurance LimitedBermuda10/15/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191307Cavello Bay Reinsurance LimitedBermuda8/28/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1120810Chubb European Group SEFrance1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty, accident/health
AA-1120191Convex Insurance UK LimitedUnited Kingdom1/1/2212/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3191435Conduit Reinsurance LimitedBermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191400Convex Re LimitedBermuda1/1/2212/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3190871Davinci Reinsurance LtdBermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1340028DEVK Ruckversicherungs-und Beteiligungs-AG - DEVK ReGermany5/2/2312/31/25Life, Property/casualty,  Accident/health
AA-3194130Endurance Specialty Insurance Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2412/31/25Property/casualty
RJ-3194101Everest Reinsurance (Bermuda), Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1120175Fidelis Underwriting LimitedUnited Kingdom8/31/2212/31/25Property/casualty, accident/health
AA-3191485Fortitude Reinsurance Company Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3191437Group Ark Insurance LimitedBermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191190Hamilton Re, LtdBermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191255Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America (Bermuda) Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-3190060Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2512/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1780044Hannover Re (Ireland) DACIreland1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA- 1340125Hannover Ruck SEGermany1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty, accident/health
AA-3191322Harrington Re Ltd.Bermuda7/1/2212/31/25Accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3190875Hiscox Insurance Company (Bermuda), Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA- 3190871Lancashire Insurance Company LimitedBermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1120855Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SELuxembourg1/1/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191239Lumen Re Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1840610MAPFRE RE, Compania de Reaseguros, S.A.Spain1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA- 1460019MS Amlin AGSwitzerland1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA- 1340165Munich ReGermany1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA- 1460100New Reinsurance Co Ltd.Switzerland4/1/2212/31/25Life/health, Property/casualty
AA-3190686Partner Reinsurance Company LtdBermuda1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-1780078Partner Reinsurance Europe SEIreland1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-1460023RenaissanceRe Europe AGSwitzerland1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3190339Renaissance Reinsurance Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191238RenaissanceRe Specialty U.S. Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-3191476Resolution Re Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2412/31/25Life/annuities
AA-3191275RGA Americas Reinsurance Company, Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2212/31/25Life
AA-1784121RGA International Reinsurance Company Designated Activity CompanyIremand1/1/2512/31/25Life/annuities, accident/health
AA-1320158SCOR SEFrance1/1/2512/31/25Life/health, Property/casualty
AA-3191250Somers Re Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2312/31/25Accident/Health, Property/casualty
AA-1460146Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.Switzerland1/1/2212/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-1370051TransRe Europe S.A.Luxembourg1/1/2412/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1120159TransRe London LimitedUnited Kingdom1/1/2312/31/25Property/casualty
AA-1122000Underwriters at LloydsUnited Kingdom10/1/2212/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3190870Validus Reinsurance Ltd.Bermuda10/1/229/30/24Accident/health, property/casualty
AA-1460006Validus Reinsurance (Switzerland) LtdBermuda10/1/226/21/24Accident/health, property/casualty
AA-3191388Vermeer Reinsurance LtdBermuda1/1/2212/31/25Property/casualty
AA-9350006VIG RE zajistovna, a.s.Czech Republic1/1/2412/31/25Accident/health, property/casualty
NoneWilton Re Overseas LimitedBermuda1/1/239/30/24Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-3190878Wilton Reinsurance Bermuda LimitedBermuda1/1/2312/31/25Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-1780072XL Re Europe SEIreland9/20/2312/31/25Property/casualty

Qualifying as a Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer

Full Application

Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers requesting Missouri to act as its “Lead State” for NAIC Reinsurance Financial Analysis (E) Working Group (ReFAWG) and passporting purposes should file a full application, meaning complete Section I on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and complete all the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.

To avoid unnecessary delays in processing the application, it must be submitted to :

The initial application fee of $1,000 may be submitted as a check or the fee may be paid electronically. For electronic payment instructions see General Instructions.

Corresponding Exhibit Forms:

Form RJ-1


Passport Application

Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers who have established their Lead State with an NAIC accredited jurisdiction other than Missouri, whose initial application has been reviewed by ReFAWG, and would like their reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status recognized in Missouri should file a passport application, meaning complete Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers, and complete all the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.  

To avoid unnecessary delays in processing the application, it must be submitted to:                                             

Upon receipt of the application, company will be sent an invoice, which may then be paid electronically.  Alternatively, a check may be mailed to:  Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance, Admissions Section, PO Box 690, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690.

Corresponding Exhibit Forms:

Form RJ-1


Maintaining Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurer Status

Pursuant to section 375.246 of the Missouri Insurance Code, the Director requests a reinsurer to annually file specific information to maintain reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status.

Please email the annual renewal application to

The annual renewal fee of $2,000 may be submitted as a check or the fee may be paid electronically.  For electronic payment instructions see General Instructions.

Annual Renewal Application

Applicants that filed a full application where Missouri is its lead state should annually complete Section I of the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.

Annual Passport Application

Applicants that have passported into Missouri should annually complete Section II on the Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers and file all of the necessary corresponding exhibits detailed in that section of the checklist.

Application and Filing Procedures Summary - Initial and Renewal

To avoid unnecessary delays in processing the application, it must be submitted to Applicants shall submit the following for both initial and annual renewal applications:

  1. Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers including all necessary corresponding documentation detailed in the checklist. If the applicant is requesting Missouri to be the lead state, Part I should be completed. If applicant is recognized as a reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer in another NAIC accredited jurisdiction, only Part II should be completed.
  2. Form RJ-1
  3. Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Director.
  4. Initial application fee of $1,000; renewal application fee of $2,000. The company will be invoiced upon receipt of the application.  The invoice may then be paid electronically.  Alternatively, a check may be mailed to:  Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance, Admissions Section, PO Box 690, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690.

The reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer status will run through the end of the calendar year unless otherwise determined by the Director.


  • Uniform Checklist for Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers
  • RJ-1: Certificate of Reinsurer Domiciled in Reciprocal Jurisdction

Helpful Link(s):

ReFAWG Review Process for Passporting Certified and Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers:

Reinsurance Financial Analysis (E) Working Group
ReFAWG Review Process for Passporting Certified and Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers
Listing of Certified and Reciprocal Jurisdiction Reinsurers

Reinsurance Agreement Required Provision

A reciprocal jurisdiction reinsurer must include the provision required by Regulation 20 CSR 200-2.100(7)(C)4D  in all reinsurance contracts with Missouri cedents.

Contact Information

Please direct any questions to:

Contact Us
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance Insurance Divisions
Mailing Address

PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-069

Correspondence with Fees

PO Box 4001
Jefferson City, MO 65102-4001

Main Office Phone Number

(573) 751-4126

Street Address

Harry S Truman State Office Building
301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101