Current Certified Reinsurers

Please scroll to the right to see all of the columns in the table below.

Alien ID
Certified reinsurersJurisdictionEffective date of initial certificationCertification Expiration DateFinancial strength ratingLines of business certified to reinsure
AA-3191531Arch Group Reinsurance Ltd.Bermuda3/14/2412/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-3194126Arch Reinsurance Ltd. (Bermuda)Bermuda1/1/1412/31/25Secure-3 (20% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/health, marine, property/casualty
AA-3190538Assured Guaranty Re Overseas, Ltd.Bermuda10/1/1712/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Life, property/casualty
AA-1340125Chubb European Group SEFrance1/1/2112/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-3194130Endurance Specialty Insurance, LtdBermuda1/1/1712/31/25Secure-3 (20% collateral)Property/casualty
1/1/1612/31/16Secure-4 (50% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-1120175Fidelis Underwriting Ltd.United Kingdom1/1/2212/31/25Secure-4 (50% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-1340125Hannover Rück SEGermany1/1/1512/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Accident/health, property/casualty
AA-1460023RenaissanceRe Europe AG (1)Switzerland7/1/1512/31/25Secure-3 (20% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-3191275RGA Americas Reinsurance Company, Ltd.Bermuda1/1/1912/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Life
10/1/1412/31/18Secure-3 (20% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-3191250Somers Re Ltd.Bermuda1/1/2012/31/25Secure-4 (50% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-1460146Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.Switzerland1/1/1412/31/25Secure-2 (10% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/heath, property/casualty
AA-1120159TransRe London LimitedUnited Kingdom1/1/1712/31/25Secure-3 (20% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-3190878Wilton Reinsurance Bermuda LimitedBermuda1/1/1612/31/25Secure-3 (20% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-3191315XL Bermuda Ltd.Bermuda11/24/2012/31/25Secure 2 (10% collateral)Property/casualty
1/1/1911/23/20Secure 3 (20% collateral)
AA-1780072XL Re EuropeIreland1/1/2312/31/25Secure 2 (10% collateral)Property/casualty

Certified Reinsurers That Are No Longer Rated

Alien ID
Certified reinsurersJurisdictionEffective date of initial certificationCertification Expiration DateFinancial strength ratingLines of business certified to reinsure
AA-3190950Maiden Reinsurance Company, Ltd.Bermuda10/1/1612/31/17Secure-5 (75% collateral)Property/casualty
AA-1120845Legal and General Assurance Society, Ltd.United Kingdom10/1/1612/31/17Secure-2 (10% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/health
AA-3190005American International Reinsurance Company, Ltd.Bermuda7/7/1612/31/19Secure-3 (20% collateral)Life, annuities, accident/health, property/casualty

Certified Reinsurers Whose Rating Has Changed or Status Was Suspended, Revoked, or Withdrawn

  • Effective 11/29/2017 Maiden Reinsurance Ltd. surrendered its status as a certified reinsurer in Missouri.
  • Effective 1/1/2018 Legal & General Assurance Society Limited withdrew its status as a certified reinsurer in Missouri.
  • Effective 1/1/2020 American International Reinsurance Com Ltd withdrew its status as a certified reinsurer in Missouri.
  • Effective 7/1/2021 Swiss Re Corporate Solutions merged into Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd.
  • Effective 12/31/2023 Partner Reinsurance Europe SE withdrew its status as a certified reinsurer in Missouri.
  • Effective 9/30/2024 Wilton Re Overseas Limited merged into Wilton Reinsurance Bermuda Limited

Applicants Seeking Certified Reinsurer Status

None at this time.

Certified Reinsurers Seeking Renewal Status

None at this time.


  1. RenaissanceRe Europe AG formerly known as Tokio Millenium Re AG (name change effective March 22, 2019).
  2. Somers Re Ltd. formerly known as Watford Re Ltd. (name change effective November 4th, 2021).

Non-US Qualified Jurisdictions

United Kingdom

Contact Us
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance Insurance Divisions
Mailing Address

PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-069

Correspondence with Fees

PO Box 4001
Jefferson City, MO 65102-4001

Main Office Phone Number

(573) 751-4126

Street Address

Harry S Truman State Office Building
301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101