The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), with headquarters in Boca Raton, Fla., is an insurance rating and data collection bureau that specializes in workers' compensation. Operating since 1992 as a non-profit business, it is owned by its member insurers.

NCCI annually collects data from 1,000 insurance companies in 40 states covering more than four million workers' compensation claims and two million policies. The bureau uses the data to analyze trends in the cost of workers' compensation, make recommendations for workers' compensation insurance rates and lost costs, and calculate experience modification factors. The bureau is frequently called upon to provide cost analysis of pending legislation to determine the potential impact such legislation may have on future workers' compensation rates.

NCCI is Missouri's approved advisory organization pursuant to Section 287.955 RSMo. Every workers' compensation insurer is required to adhere to the bureau's uniform statistical and experience rating plan and classification system.