Company Details

  HDI Global Select Insurance Company License Status :

NAIC Number :


Phone Number:


Company Address:

161 N. Clark St., 48th Floor 
Chicago, IL  60601


Property and Casualty

License Number:


Date Admitted:


Market Share

Link to Supplemental Data Page

Year Line Market Share Direct Premium Written Direct Premium Earned Direct Losses Paid Direct Losses Incurred Loss Ratio
2022 Total Property & Casualty 0.00% $0 $0 $25,174 $-179,279 N/A
2022 Direct Workers Compensation 0.00% $0 $0 $25,174 $18,081 N/A
2022 Products Liability 0.00% $0 $0 $0 $-197,360 N/A
2021 Total Property & Casualty 0.00% $0 $0 $181,059 $107,139 N/A
2021 Direct Workers Compensation 0.00% $0 $0 $31,059 $-1,404 N/A
2021 Products Liability 0.00% $0 $0 $150,000 $108,543 N/A


The department has not taken enforcement action against this company in the past three years.

Link to Enforcements Page

Complaint Index

This company does not have any complaint information.

Link to Complaint Index Page

Company Changes

Effective Date: 04/24/2023

Comments: Effective 04/24/2023 the above company changed its name from Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company and converted to a Stock corporation following demutualization.

Effective Date: 11/30/2023

Comments: Effective 11/30/2023 the above company’s Group Code was changed from 246 – Pennsylvania Lumbermens Grp to 517 – Hannover Grp following an acquisition by HDI Global Insurance Company.

Market Conduct

This company does not have any market conduct exams or investigations.

Financial Exams

This company does not have any financial exams.