Insurance Industry Fees
Note: These lists cover the most commonly assessed fees only. Please contact us to confirm any fee that is not listed.
Producer Fees
License/Service | Amount |
License/Service Resident/Non-Resident Producer License | Amount $100 |
License/Service Business Entity Producer (Agency) License | Amount $100 |
License/Service Producer Renewal Fee | Amount $100 |
License/Service Business Entity Producer (Agency) Renewal Fee | Amount $100 |
License/Service Late Renewal Fee | Amount $25/month (after one year, applicant must reapply) |
License/Service Continuing Education Provider Course and Renewal Fee | Amount $50 per course |
Insurer Admission and Filing Fees Effective 1/1/2019 per SB 982
License/Service | Amount |
License/Service Certified Copy of Certificate of Authority | Amount No charge |
License/Service Service of Process | Amount No charge |
License/Service P&C Rate, Rule or Form Filing | Amount $150 |
License/Service L&H Rate, Form Filing or Report | Amount $150 |
License/Service 380 Mutual Form Filing, Articles, Bylaws | Amount $10 |
License/Service Discount Medical Plan Form Filing | Amount $25 |
License/Service Primary Application Fees | Amount $1,000 |
License/Service Expansion Application Fees | Amount $1,000 |
License/Service Annual Renewal Fees (P&C, L&H, Health, HMO, PPD, All Reinsurers) | Amount $2,000 |
License/Service TPA Admission | Amount $1,000 |
License/Service Certified Reinsurer Initial Application | Amount $1,000 |
License/Service Surplus Note | Amount $150 |
License/Service Dividends, Forms B, C, D, or F | Amount $250 |
License/Service Forms A or E, ORSA | Amount $500 |
License/Service Any Other Document: Including, but not limited to: Articles, Bylaws, Exam Filing Fees, MGA Filings, Permitted Practices | Amount $150 |