Surplus Lines Application and Requirements


  • Pass the Surplus Lines exam. If you are a non-resident, we may issue a license based on reciprocity if you are currently licensed in your home state for Surplus Lines.
  • Residents must hold or be applying for a property and casualty insurance producer license.
  • Submit an application and pay the $100 fee.

Email with any questions.

Are you a veteran?

Veterans taking a state licensing examination required by Missouri statute may be reimbursed for the cost of the examination. Learn more about examination reimbursement for veterans.

Update Your License Information

Contact Us
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance Insurance Divisions
Street Address

Harry S Truman State Office Building
301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Mailing Address

PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690

Correspondence with Fees

PO Box 4001
Jefferson City, MO 65102-4001

Main Office Phone Number

(573) 751-4126

Surplus Lines Phone and Email