Company Details


NAIC Number :


Phone Number:


Company Address:

3333 Fairview Road, Mail Stop A357 
Costa Mesa, CA  92626-1698


Property and Casualty

License Number:


Date Admitted:


Market Share

Link to Supplemental Data Page

Year Line Market Share Direct Premium Written Direct Premium Earned Direct Losses Paid Direct Losses Incurred Loss Ratio
2022 Total Property & Casualty 0.46% $173,535,133 $168,062,741 $129,762,745 $150,319,855 89.44 %
2022 Other Liability - Bodily Injury & Property Damage 0.04% $900,653 $905,201 $200,000 $63,732 7.04 %
2022 Total Private Passenger Automobile 1.50% $172,634,480 $167,157,540 $129,562,745 $150,256,123 89.89 %
2022 Private Passenger Auto Liability Bodily Injury 1.38% $41,387,393 $40,197,750 $29,734,281 $39,292,399 97.75 %
2022 Private Passenger Auto Liability Property Damage 1.91% $38,202,490 $37,103,642 $26,419,114 $28,732,739 77.44 %
2022 Private Passenger Auto Medical Payments 1.00% $2,208,928 $2,167,378 $150,891 $222,332 10.26 %
2022 Private Passenger Uninsured Motorists 1.55% $9,824,336 $9,555,585 $12,894,231 $18,896,316 N/A
2022 Private Passenger Underinsured Motorists 2.70% $5,139,306 $4,998,717 $1,834,934 $1,355,032 27.11 %
2022 Private Passenger Accidential Death & Disab/Dism 1.43% $81,371 $82,297 $0 $0 0.00 %
2022 Private Passenger Auto Comprehensive 1.10% $25,660,308 $24,716,120 $18,775,229 $20,653,587 83.56 %
2022 Private Passenger Auto Collision 1.60% $50,130,348 $48,336,051 $39,754,065 $41,103,718 85.04 %
2021 Total Property & Casualty 0.46% $161,590,085 $163,041,499 $103,673,248 $112,726,018 69.14 %
2021 Other Liability - Bodily Injury & Property Damage 0.04% $915,745 $909,296 $50,000 $-196,207 -21.58 %
2021 Total Private Passenger Automobile 1.48% $160,674,340 $162,132,203 $103,623,248 $112,922,225 69.65 %
2021 Private Passenger Auto Liability Bodily Injury 1.31% $38,147,376 $38,128,025 $25,820,801 $28,851,578 75.67 %
2021 Private Passenger Auto Liability Property Damage 1.87% $35,211,142 $35,190,970 $21,068,725 $23,228,244 66.01 %
2021 Private Passenger Auto Medical Payments 0.95% $2,126,560 $2,150,801 $228,251 $-117,326 -5.45 %
2021 Private Passenger Uninsured Motorists 1.54% $8,978,455 $9,014,086 $9,109,778 $13,267,080 N/A
2021 Private Passenger Underinsured Motorists 3.06% $5,081,043 $5,101,207 $2,857,358 $2,119,659 41.55 %
2021 Private Passenger Accidential Death & Disab/Dism 1.50% $85,018 $83,302 $0 $0 0.00 %
2021 Private Passenger Auto Comprehensive 1.10% $24,057,739 $24,571,019 $10,803,240 $10,941,876 44.53 %
2021 Private Passenger Auto Collision 1.62% $46,987,007 $47,892,793 $33,735,095 $34,631,114 72.31 %


The department has not taken enforcement action against this company in the past three years.

Link to Enforcements Page

Complaint Index

Year Line Market Share Number of Complaints Complaint Index
2022 Private Passenger Auto 3.61% 70 129
2021 Private Passenger Auto 3.70% 84 151

Company Changes

Market Conduct

This company does not have any market conduct exams or investigations.

Financial Exams

Date: 05/09/2017


Date: 05/24/2021

Order and Report - Automobile Club Inter-Insurance Exchange.pdf