Company Details


NAIC Number :


Phone Number:


Company Address:

55 West 46th Street, 26th Floor Legal & Comp.
New York, NY  10036


Property and Casualty

License Number:


Date Admitted:


Market Share

Link to Supplemental Data Page

Year Line Market Share Direct Premium Written Direct Premium Earned Direct Losses Paid Direct Losses Incurred Loss Ratio
2022 Total Property & Casualty 0.01% $2,864,102 $2,529,581 $468,033 $928,437 36.70 %
2022 Commercial Multi-Peril 0.02% $631,441 $566,258 $221,188 $-158,333 -27.96 %
2022 Ocean Marine 0.77% $1,185,641 $894,366 $46,245 $579,424 64.79 %
2022 Inland Marine (Incl Auto Cargo) 0.01% $107,145 $96,056 $200,600 $81,909 85.27 %
2022 Other Liability - Bodily Injury & Property Damage 0.03% $735,275 $774,312 $0 $341,739 44.13 %
2022 Credit Property (Excluding V.S.I.) 0.38% $204,600 $198,589 $0 $83,698 42.15 %
2021 Total Property & Casualty 0.01% $2,240,400 $1,465,747 $12,500 $1,040,515 70.99 %
2021 Commercial Multi-Peril 0.03% $689,921 $642,811 $0 $569,013 88.52 %
2021 Ocean Marine 0.35% $496,109 $403,293 $12,500 $161,527 40.05 %
2021 Inland Marine (Incl Auto Cargo) 0.01% $115,579 $108,413 $0 $145,781 N/A
2021 Other Liability - Bodily Injury & Property Damage 0.03% $740,791 $294,956 $0 $152,071 51.56 %
2021 Credit Property (Excluding V.S.I.) 0.27% $198,000 $16,274 $0 $12,123 74.49 %


The department has not taken enforcement action against this company in the past three years.

Link to Enforcements Page

Complaint Index

This company does not have any complaint information.

Link to Complaint Index Page

Company Changes

Effective Date: 02/01/2004

Comments: National Farmers Union Standard Insurance Co. changed its name to Quanta Indemnity Co. and re-domesticated to Pennsylvania.

Effective Date: 01/01/2013

Comments: Effective 1/1/2013 Quanta Specialty Lines Insurance Company merged with and into the above company.

Effective Date: 06/14/2017

Comments: Effective 6/14/2017 Quanta Indemnity Company changed it name to Greyhawk Insurance Co.

Effective Date: 11/29/2018

Comments: Effective 11/29/2018 Greyhawk Insurance Company changed its name to ASCOT Inurance Company.

Market Conduct

This company does not have any market conduct exams or investigations.

Financial Exams

This company does not have any financial exams.