Referrals, general prohibition against--producers may refer business, conditions.
No title insurer or title agent or agency shall:
Pay, directly or indirectly, to the insured or to any other person any commission, any part of its premiums, fees, or other charges; or any other consideration as inducement or compensation for the referral of title business or for performance of any escrow or other service by the title agent or agency; or
Issue any title insurance policy or perform any service in connection with any transaction in which it has paid or intends to pay any commission, rebate or inducement which it knows to be in violation of this section.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting reasonable payments, other than for the referral of title insurance business, for services actually rendered to either a title insurer or a title agent or agency in connection with title insurance business.
Nothing in sections 381.011 to 381.241 shall prohibit any producer or any associate of a producer from referring title business to any title insurer or title insurance agent or agency of his, her or its choice, and if such producer or associate producer has any financial, franchise, or ownership interest in the title insurer, the title insurance agent or agency, from receiving income or profits produced or realized from such financial, franchise or ownership interest so long as the purchaser is made aware in writing of the relationship between the producer or associate producer and the title agent or agency.
"The headnotes, footnotes, annotations and index of the Missouri Revised Statutes, are used by permission of the Joint Committee on Legislative Research, the copyright holder."