Senate Bill 239, signed into law in 2015, establishes caps on the amount of non-economic damages recoverable by a plaintiff in a medical malpractice action.  For “non-catastrophic” injuries, the cap was initially established at $400,000, while the cap for “catastrophic” injuries was set at $700,000.  Section 538.205 RSMo. defines a catastrophic injury as an injury resulting in quadriplegia, paraplegia, the loss of two or more limbs, significant and permanent cognitive impairment, irreversible failure of a major organ, or significant loss of vision.

Section 538.210.8 provides for an annual increase in these caps by a constant rate of 1.7 percent.  The caps calculated out to 2050 are in the following table.

Year Cap for
Cap for
2025 $473,444 $828,529
2024 $465,531 $814,679
2023 $457,749 $801,061
2022 $450,098 $787,671
2021 $442,574 $774,504
2020 $435,176 $761,558
2019 $427,901 $748,828
2018 $420,749 $736,310
2017 $413,716 $724,002
2016 $406,800 $711,900
2015 $400,000 $700,000
  Historical caps prior to 2005 are present below.  
Year Limit
2005 $579,000
2004 $565,000
2003 $557,000
2002 $547,000
2001 $540,000
2000 $528,000
1999 $517,000
1998 $513,000
1997 $502,000
1996 $492,000
1995 $482,000
1994 $474,000
1993 $462,000
1992 $446,000
1991 $430,000
1990 $401,000
1989 $391,000
1988 $373,000
1987 $356,000
1986 $350,000