Missouri WC Rate Information Find historical information for loss costs in Missouri and compare overall rate changes for each workers' comp carrier Missouri Rate Guide Find the lowest rates filed with the Department by Insurance companies for your class code. WC Filing Instructions Includes required forms and diskette submission formatting instructions WC tax and Second Injury Fund surcharge rates 2006 2005 2004 Bulletins 2004 Workers' Compensation Administrative Tax and Second Injury Fund Surcharge (02-01) Modified Guidelines for Deductible Workers' Compensation Policies (02-02) Workers' Compensation Schedule Rating Credits (98-03) Calculation of Workers' Compensation Premium Tax and Second Injury Fund… (97-03) Missouri Workers' Compensation Schedule Rating Plan Guidelines (96-02) Treatment of limited liability (LLCs) for premium collection and audit … (93-01) Premium credits for employers using certified managed care programs (93-03) Deductible plans for workers' compensation policies—- "large" deductibl… (93-07) Deductible plans for workers' compensation policies: "Large" and "small… (93-11) Loss Cost Data (93-12) Safety Credits and MCO Credits (93-14) Workers' Compensation Rate Filings-- Electronic Readable Format—-Emerge…