Definition of Terms

  • Data elements will conform to the Annual Statement, w/ the exception of "written exposures," "paid loss count," and "number of claims closed without payment", which do not appear on the annual statement.
  • Written Exposure: Reported in the year the policy is written. An exposure is one year of coverage for one establishment.
  • Paid Loss Count: Each loss will have one count, regardless of how many payments are made toward the loss. One loss count should be reported per occurrence or incident, regardless of the number of claimants involved.

Dram Shop Liability

20 CSR 600-1.020 defines dram shop liability coverage as insurance "...covering risk associated with commercial vendors licensed to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink for consumption on the premises..." Insurance for establishments and activities that do not meet this criterion, such as package liquor or grocery stores, should not be reported. Only premiums and losses directly associated with the risk of liability arising from alcohol consumption should be reported. Do not include risk for other coverages, even if contained within a single policy.

Instructions for Completing Report

  • Complete Pages 1 and 2 in full.
  • Include 4-digit NAIC Group Code and five-digit NAIC Company Code.
  • Report in whole dollars, do not include cents.

ISO Class Codes

Report each data element for the appropriate ISO class code. Some examples of ISO class codes are:

  • 16815—Restaurants—with sales of alcoholic beverages that are less than 75% of the total annual receipts of the restaurant—with dance floor
  • 16816—Restaurants—with sales of alcoholic beverages that are less than 75% of the total annual receipts of the restaurants—without dance floor
  • 16817—Restaurants—with sales of alcoholic beverages that are more than 75% of the total annual receipts of the restaurants—with dance floor
  • 16818—Restaurants—with sales of alcoholic beverages that are more than 75% of the total annual receipts of the restaurants—without dance floor

If your company does not make use of ISO class codes, report on the basis of the risk classes in use by your company. In all cases, provide description of type of entity and/or activities covered by each classification.

Contact Us
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance Insurance Divisions
Street Address

Harry S Truman State Office Building
301 W. High St., Room 530, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Mailing Address

PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0690

Correspondence with Fees

PO Box 4001
Jefferson City, MO 65102-4001

Main Office Phone Number

(573) 751-4126