Filing Schedule for HMOs


Filing Type




Evidence of Coverage


  • Filling Fee: $ 150


  • Filling Fee: $ 150


  • Filling Fee: $ 150


  • Filling Fee: $ 150

Advertising Materials    

  • Filling Fee: $ 150

Schedules of Benefits    

  • Filling Fee: $—

Medicare or Medicaid Materials   

  •  Filling Fee: $—
Filing TypeStatutory ReferenceRegulationDue DateFee
Network Access PlansRSMo 354.603 & 61520 CSR 400-7.095March 1$ 150
Requests for Service Area ExpansionRSMo 354.40520 CSR 400-7.090Prior to use$ 150
Requests for Service Area ReductionRSMo 354.405 Prior to use$ 150
Provider Selection StandardsRSMo 354.60620 CSR 400-7.200March 1$ 150
Provider ContractsRSMo 354.405 Prior to use$ 150  
Grievance ProceduresRSMo 376.1378 Prior to use$ 150
Report of Utilization Review ActivitiesRSMo 376.1359 March 1$ 150
Disclosure of Financial InterestsRSMo 354.443 Prior to use$ 150

For annual financial filings, see our Annual Reports Schedule.

All non-financial managed care filings should be addressed to the appropriate staff person at:
Life and Healthcare Section
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance
PO Box 690
Jefferson City, MO 65101

Contact the Life and Healthcare Section for additional information.