Missouri law requires a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education to be completed every two years for insurance producers. Section 375.029 RSMo, and 20 CSR 700-3.200(4)(D) allow an insurance producer’s active membership in a local, regional, state, or national insurance association to be approved for up to four hours of continuing education hours.

In order for the continuing education to qualify, the association must:

  1. Be a professional insurance association in existence for at least 5 years.
  2. Provide a copy of the association's articles of incorporation, constitution, bylaws or other organization documents filed in its state of registration (if not submitted previously).
  3. Provide a list on the spreadsheet below of insurance producers who are active members of the association as a result of attending a local, regional, state, national conference or class held by the association during the reporting period.
  4. Provide a certification that insurance producers identified in the membership listing have actively participated by attending a local, regional, state, national conference or class held by the association during the reporting period.