Line of Business Missouri
loss ratio
loss ratio
Missouri/nationwide by line of business
Property and casualty loss ratios
All property & casualty lines (excludes A&H) 57.7% 61.0% -3.2%
Fire & allied lines 60.8% 48.2% 12.6%
Farmowners 64.0% 63.9% 0.1%
Homeowners 58.4% 60.5% -2.1%
Commercial multi-peril 48.4% 45.1% 3.4%
Mortgage guaranty 107.7% 214.4% -106.7%
Ocean &aAircraft 59.3% 47.7% 11.6%
Inland marine 48.4% 46.4% 2.1%
Financial guaranty 0.0% 178.5% -178.5%
Medical malpractice 30.5% 32.8% -2.3%
Earthquake 0.3% 0.5% -0.2%
Workers' compensation 66.9% 66.7% 0.2%
Other liability 53.8% 56.8% -3.0%
Product liability 133.7% 22.4% 111.2%
Private passenger automobile - total 58.2% 64.8% -6.6%
   Private passenger automobile - liability 59.0% 69.4% -10.4%
   Private passenger automobile - physical damage 57.2% 57.9% -0.7%
Commercial automobile - total 54.6% 52.7% 1.9%
   Commercial automobile - liability 53.0% 52.2% 0.8%
   Commercial automobile - physical damage 59.4% 54.3% 5.0%
Fidelity & surety 75.6% 24.3% 51.3%
Credit 126.9% 101.0% 25.9%
Title 43.8% 10.8% 33.0%
Line of business Missouri
loss ratio
loss ratio
Missouri/nationwide by line of business
Accident and health loss ratios
Total accident & health 76.8% 74.6% 2.2%
Individual accident & health 73.5% 63.1% 10.5%
Group accident & health 78.4% 78.8% -0.4%
Credit accident & health 51.3% 44.0% 7.3%

Prior Years Loss Ratios